Misty sunrise at BOI’s Hound Dog Hill. By Susan Walters Minker
In Spring of 2021 I could hardly walk, and was in constant pain in my back and legs. Moving and lifting hurt. A loss often opens up new awareness, of things taken for granted. I'd taken for granted walking, moving without pain. That ever happen to you, you take something for granted and then lose it?
Apparently the last straw for my spine, when it said 'enough', was after I'd spent several days moving heavy birch logs. It was during a stressful time. We'd just moved into a new home, and I was pivoting our retreat center business and navigating a team restructure. Life and work stressors were in full bloom. MRI tests showed I had a herniated disc, a shock of new information and helpful. By then I'd spent 2 months getting PT treatments that were actually creating more pain.
I asked my docs, "Can I heal, get my mobility and spine health back?". Their response was, "Don't know. Herniated discs can improve, and normally don't fully heal". Not what I wanted to hear.
So I created a healing plan to regenerate my spine, back and body. I knew from past experience it would need to be a whole body healing if it was to stick... body, heart, head and spirit. And I knew I needed support. So I built a support team of healers, teachers, guides and resources. It worked. I healed well, with time. I'm so grateful.
Along the way, I realized that these are the same steps I've done the last 20 years to cultivate, create, make a decision and/ or grow. My process at a high deck view. Whether for my self development, life, work, purpose discovery, relationships, creative juice, manifesting... and on.
My 4 healing/ cultivating/ growing/ creating steps are:
Build Body Intelligence, Wisdom (pilates, yoga, somatics (body-mind centering) +)
Do the Inner Work - (Awareness & presence, Enneagram, energy management, spiritual journeying +)
Connect with Nature - (nature pauses, plants, stones, wildlife, gardening, mother earth +)
Practice Breath work & Meditation - (cellular regeneration, stress reduction, +)
Woven together, these are alchemy magic. Each key/ step has many options of practices, modalities, maps, wisdoms, healing energy catalysts, indigenous knowledge, etc.
For example, in my work with a coaching client we discovered that salsa dance was more impactful to awaken her body than practices such as yoga. She needed the fire of salsa. For me, pilates, qigong and yoga are key body awareness practices. I find different practices serve different needs.. such as weight lifting is a health and energy booster.
Especially key in my spine healing was pilates. I'd done pilates before, and I searched for a pilates somatics healing master. I found a gem, pilates trainer Megan Bascom. She helped me heal and functionally wake-up certain body-brain connections. And, we laugh a lot as she's witty as heck. I knew from my coaching work that pilates can be an impactful body intelligence practice. For me it was a healing practice too. The pilates and the laughter!
There's magic in weaving these 4 steps together. Which is why I created a workshop on Enneagram and Body Wisdoms (she's studied the Enneagram with me too). It’s Sept. 17, 1-4:30 and co-facilitated by me and Megan. It’s Enneagram, Energy + Body Wisdoms// Map, Move + Mine Your Self. We’ll be nestled in nature and at Bend of Ivy Lodge’s Pavilion. See Below for more info.
Find your medicines, fuels and practices. That's what I've done and help my clients with. Your body wisdom will guide you, as you tune up your inner knowing.
Be the change you'd like to see, right! And put your own oxygen mask on first.
If I can be of service, you'd like to explore something or have a question, let's connectto talk!
With love,
Retreat workshop Invite. Register Here:
Enneagram, Energy + Body Wisdoms// Map, Move + Mine Your Self.
Join us to explore, engage, map and move!
Workshop: Enneagram, Energy + Body Wisdoms// Map, Move + Mine Your Self
Co-Facilitators: Susan Walters Minker & Megan Bascom
Sunday, Sept. 17, 1 - 4:30pm
At Bend of Ivy Lodge, the Pavilion
A small group experience.