Enneagram Services & Programs


The Enneagram - What it is and is not

The Enneagram is an archetypal framework, a psycho-emotional-spiritual tool, that offers in-depth insight to individuals, groups and collectives. Each of us is born with a particular psycho-emotional pattern—a type-specific pattern of thinking, feeling, and being in the world. Consisting of three Centers of intelligence, nine main Enneagram types, 18 wings, three subtypes and Triadic styles, the Enneagram offers a rich map to personal development from an open systems perspective.

It does not box in people, but rather opens a pathway to self-discovery and greater personal awareness. And, it is much more than just a Personality Mapping system.

The Integrative Enneagram creates self-awareness and uncovers the patterns of behavior that sub-consciously drive and motivate us to act in certain ways. When we make these patterns and motivations conscious, we are able to transcend them and develop richer, more supportive ways of being.

Working with the Enneagram empowers individuals to take responsibility for their own behaviors and growth, from a greater understanding of why they act and react the way they do.

Over time, we develop skills to calm ourselves down, to bring us out of the trance of our type’s patterns (we discover the Wake-Up call of our type), to express out our best, and to assist others in the same regard.

The Enneagram is, therefore, a sense-making tool or a framework that enables the development of self-knowledge and meta-awareness.

Enneagram Wayfinder™ ESP+ : Enneagram, Systems and Presence

My work focuses on going deep, helping increase awareness of self, patterns, systems. With awareness and acknowledgement, the unconscious becomes conscious and the invisible becomes visible. How? With exquisite presence. And, using insight and mapping tools including Enneagram, Polarities, Awareness Map and Decision-Making constellations. Plus other modalities. These tools tap into mapping archetypal personality maps, quantum physics, neuroscience and more. 

Map-making holds many forms. Interesting how things connect through our lives sometimes. Decades ago, my Landscape Studies dissertation included studying cartography, the geographical study of map-making. The Enneagram, my favorite wisdom tool, is a map too. A human growth map.

Brain science is studying the mind, finding the mind operates at 5% conscious and 95% unconscious levels. The enneagram helps make the unconscious conscious.
It's like boosting your extrasensory perception, or ESP. Your sixth sense. In ESP theory, ESP is energy moving from one point to another point. More…


Enneagram Typing Services:

1) Integrative Enneagram Solutions, iEQ9:

~ iEQ9 Assessment, Report & 1 hr Debrief Consultation: Investment: $299 special

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~ Additional Follow-up Enneagram 1 hr Consult (up to 3 sessions): $195

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2) AEphoria: Enneagram & Aephoria Identity Map (AIM) Assessment & Debrief Consultation:

~ Aephoria Enneagram & Aephoria Identity Map (AIM) Assessment & 1.5 hr Debrief Consultation: Investment: $299 special

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Enneagram Programs & Retreats: