Stuckness + Pearls of Wisdom from the I Ching.

One night last fall, I made a conscious decision to confront my "perfection driver" energy. That choice unlocked months of procrastination and allowed me to take action on something I’d wanted to do for ages.

I wanted insight on a situation, so I reached for my Chinese coins to consult the I Ching, an ancient divination text. I’d been longing to try it for months. But every time, I stopped myself.

I was stuck. I had repeatedly stopped myself from moving forward.

That night I realized the ‘why’ of my stuckness.

I realized it was because I hadn’t completely read my new dense, 5-inch-thick academic book on the I Ching. The book had been recommended by a teacher I respected. A teacher that I elevated. Somehow, I’d convinced myself I needed to finish that book first.

Sound familiar?

The Trap of Perfection

Do you ever delay doing something because you feel it needs to be done “just right”? So you don’t do it at all?

That’s the perfection driver at work—those unconscious and limiting beliefs that can keep you stuck.

For me, it was my Enneagram One energy showing up. The Enneagram One is known as “The Perfectionist.” While it’s not my dominant type, all nine Enneagram energies live within us to some degree. This was my perfectionist energy rearing its head.

Naming the Pattern

Part of my inner work has been to notice and name this "perfectionist drive."

Here’s how it often plays out:

  • I wait and delay because I want to “get it right.”

  • That delay leaves me stuck.

  • The result? Nothing happens.

By recognizing this pattern, I can move through it faster. I’ve learned to embrace being “perfectly imperfect.”

Discovering the Why

That night, I uncovered some of the why behind my perfectionism.

Because the I Ching feels deeply spiritual to me, I had unconsciously believed I must honor this ancient text by fully understanding it before engaging with it. This belief became a silent barrier, a limiting belief.

Limiting beliefs are everywhere. They can keep you stuck in:

  • Relationships

  • Jobs

  • Family dynamics

  • Decisions

  • Career paths

  • Transitions

These beliefs often create fixed mindsets. Shifting to a growth mindset requires practice and intention. But it’s worth it. When you break free, you gain clarity and wisdom.

That night, I received the pearls of wisdom I needed from the I Ching.

Your Takeaway

Be curious about what’s keeping you stuck.

  • What is the hidden belief, fear, or “why” holding you back?

  • Can you name it without judgment?

When you notice it and give it space, you begin to release it. That’s where freedom begins.