Intentional Life Design Makes A Difference!

Create purposeful paths, options and choices with Intentional Life Work Design.

Life Work Design is a term I use about finding and creating balance, direction and energy in life and work. It’s about making better choices. That happens as insight, inner knowledge and clarity grow.

I'm here to guide you through this journey.

6 Steps to Successful Life Work Design:

  1. Accept: Whole-heartedly acknowledge your desire for a better self/life/work.

  2. Clarify: Begin to understand yourself more deeply through Inner Work.

  3. Action: Experiment + explore options for ‘what’s next’ with open heart and mind.

  4. Create: Develop short (6-12 months) + long-term (2-5 year) plans. These will shift.

  5. Design: Redefine and redesign your life and work with balance and energy management.

  6. Review, Renew, and Refuel: Continuously assess and adjust.

Start Now

! Step 1: Take 10 minutes. Get started by asking yourself these questions:

  • What gives life meaning? (This is Inner Work) ->  Your Life View.

  • What’s your work for: Money, skills, learning new things, engagement or what? (This influences your Outer Work) -> Your Work View

Tip: It’s important to approach these questions with deep curiosity and openness to what might emerge. Do your best to let go of expectations.

Step 2: Identify what energizes and depletes you on the worksheets on the next two pages. What level of engagement, interest do you feel in activity? What level of energy?

Step 3: Look at the coherence of the two. What aligns and what does not? What energizes you and what does not? Get curious about where you see gaps or it feels like something is missing or misaligned.

Can you get a sense of how aligning your Inner and Outer views can enhance balance and energy across your life? If so, great! This means you’re already on your way to fulfilling the first step to successful Life Work Design.